The Zen Spa

MD Esthetics By The Zen Spa

Founder- Injectzen- Ashley Penta, RN BSN

About Ashley

“Let the beauty of what you love be what you do.”

At a young age, Ashley confidently learned her passion was caring for others. She truly understood the importance of making each person she cared for feel their very best - equipped with her warm and witty personality. Ashley wanted to make caring for others her lifelong career and  thus earned her BSN in 2015 at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. While working as a heart failure RN, she became inspired over time by her patients and the adversities she watched them face first-handedly. Her passion became caring for each person as a holistic whole; inside and out: Mind, Body, and Spirit. Aesthetic Nursing gave her that opportunity and she pursued its journey. Ashley started InjectZEN in 2019 to create a safe space for clients. Having a safe space allows her clients to come forward openly with their vulnerabilities, insecurities,  and struggles, while walking away feeling confident and beautiful in their own unique way. With guided expertise through the nursing lens and her healing hands, Ashley gives you exactly what you need to feel comfortable in your already beautiful skin.


Namaste Zen AF

Namaste Zen AF